Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
5B will be taught by Miss Butters (5B) and Mr Kightley will teach 5K. Both classes will be supported by Mrs Wojciak and Miss Evans throughout the year.
We are really looking forward to working with you all this year.
Our Exciting Year Ahead!
Autumn Term
During this term, we will be learning about Ancient Greece! Our English work will start by exploring Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief! This exciting tale of a half-blood, half-god will be a great introduction to the heroes of Greek mythology and all the Gods! We will study Ancient Greek people and find out about life in the cities. We will study Theseus and the Minotaur and write our own myths. In poetry, the children will look at a range of poems about Greek Mythology.
In science, we will start with exploring different materials and their properties and carry out fair scientific tests to find the best carrier bags! We will learn about filtering, solutions and evaporation - exploring how to separate solids and liquids.
Spring Term
In the Spring term, our history will focus on World War II. Exploring the effects of the war through the experience of child evacuees, Goodnight Mr Tom will give us a great insight into the life of children. Beyond the Lines, a short film about a soldier in WWII, will also be used as a stimulus for our writing. In history, we will explore the part that Grantham and the surrounding areas played in the war especially the famous Dambusters raid which was co-ordinated from our very own St Vincents, in Grantham.
In science, they will be using their knowledge of scientific investigations and applying it to the testing of different changes. They will look at reversible and irreversible changes and recording their results in a range of ways. They will also be looking into the life cycles of plants and animals.
Summer Term
In the Summer term, children will be basing our Geography topic on rainforests. Children will learn all about where rainforests are and how they came to be. In English, we will be debating climate issues, researching the importance of rainforests and persuading the preservation of forested areas around the globe.
In science, we will be looking at forces, carrying out experiments to test and measure different forces. They will also be learning about growing up and growing old, which links to a literacy unit where they explain the process of growing up.
Our PE days up to April half term are Monday and Friday!
Please make sure you have your kit in school on these days! We might be outside so joggers and a jumper are a necessity in the wonderful British weather!
Earrings MUST be removed for PE and hair must be tied back.
We will send homework on a Wednesday
Guided reading - to be completed and returned on, or before Monday.
Spellings - to be learnt and tested weekly. Spelling test takes place on a Monday.
Reading - Children should be reading for a minimum of 15 minutes, 4-5 times a week. We encourage children to read aloud to an adult. Please can parents document the pages read by the children and sign their reading diaries. Diaries should be brought into school everyday.
Multiplication Tables
All children have a TTRS log in, and they will be tested weekly on their multiplication tables. We have asked the children to take responsibility for learning their multiplication tables and aim to score a minimum of 200 points each week in the tournament. You NEED to know them for year 6!
Music Lessons
We are very lucky to have Mrs Atkinson from the music service teaching our music lessons every week. When instruments are issued, they need to be in school every week for the lessons. We also ask that your practice regularly! This is an amazing opportunity let's make the most of it!
Here are some recommended websites which provide opportunities for revision and further learning:
- (Online reading - all children have their own login details)
- (Times table practise - all children have their own login details)
- ( Songs and movements to cover a range of subjects)
- (Movement and mindfulness)
- (Great for research)
- (Maths and English games)
- (Worksheets for maths)
- (Educational resources for a range of subjects)
- (Great for research)
- (Resources and videos for a range of subjects)
- (Maths games and activities)
- (Maths games and activities)
- (Home learning activity packs)
- (Phonics games and activities)
- (Phonics comics to decode)
- (Free ebooks for all ages - free account needed to access these)
- (Videos and worksheets for maths)
- (Children's news)
- (A picture a day with lots of literacy activities based on that image)
- (Maths challenges)
- (Good for researching)
- (Good for researching)
- (Free audio books)
- (Joe Wicks Kids Workouts)