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Belton Lane Primary School

Belton LanePrimary School

School Information

      Welcome from our Headteacher -Mr Jonathan Mason

Challenging ourselves to improve every day

At Belton Lane Primary School we aim to create a happy, encouraging and challenging environment where we strive for the highest standards of teaching and learning and where we help our children to achieve beyond their current potential.

We value our caring, friendly atmosphere within which we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners.  Our core purpose is to develop young people who reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others.

We believe that we share these values with our parents and the community at large. To this end, we encourage all our parents to  take an active part in their child’s education.

Almost everything you need to know about the school is in our brochure below. On this page, you can also find some of our key policies, documents that explain the performance of our children, and the school curriculum.

In the menu to the right you will find links to some key features of our school and the link below takes you to the OfSTED Data Dashboard for the school.  This gives you an understanding of the performance of the children in the school against national tests.

Jonathan Mason

See our national results and how we compare to other schools in the government league tables (click the link below)