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Belton Lane Primary School

Belton LanePrimary School


Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions that we hope will be useful:

What are the ethos and values of the school?

At Belton Lane Primary School we aim to create a happy, encouraging and challenging environment where we strive for the highest standards of teaching and learning and where we help our children to achieve their full potential.

We value our caring, friendly atmosphere within which we expect high standards of behaviour and good manners. We believe that we share these values with our parents and the community at large. To this end we encourage all our parents to join the Home/School Partnership and take an active part in their child’s education.

What do I do if my child is ill?

We urge parents to send their children to school regularly, except, of course, when they're ill. In such circumstances a quick telephone call to school explaining your child’s illness (followed by a brief note of explanation when well enough to return to school) will avoid any unnecessary worry.Fever | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD

The school operates a policy of `first day contact’ for children who are absent. This means that unless we hear from you, we will telephone home on the first day your child is absent, just to make sure that he/she is safely at home with you. We have to record all absences, which are unexplained, so it is vital that we know why any child is absent. 

If you are unsure if your child should be in school then please visit :

If your child is taken ill during the school day then the school office will contact you to come and collect your child. Please ensure that we have up to date contact details for all emergency contacts for your child.

Can my child cycle to school?

Children can ride their bike to school. In order to ensure the safety of pedestrians (especially toddlers), both children and adults are asked NOT to ride their bicycles within the school grounds.

We now have a lockable cycle storage facility but would remind parents that the school cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage to any cycle brought to school. Cycle roadworthiness is the responsibility of parents. We would like all cyclists to follow the Lincolnshire Policy of wearing a cycle helmet.

When are the parents' evenings?

Parents' Evenings are usually held twice a year, once during the Autumn Term and one in the Spring term. In the Summer Term, a written report is presented. Parents are encouraged to attend to see their child's work and discuss his/her progress.Hacton News: Parents' Evening Reminder

Apart from these chances to exchange views and information with your child's class teacher, a note or telephone call will readily secure an appointment to see him/her at any time. The most convenient time to see the teachers is at the end of the day when they are not teaching their class.

How can I help my child?

1. Talk to him/her and listen too.

2. Listen to him/her read and read to him/her.

3. Ask about his/her day at school.

4. Help, if needed with spellings, multiplication tables etc.

5. Let him/her undertake certain shopping tasks and handle easy sums of money.

6. Let him/her help in cooking with weighing and timing.

7. Play games that involve any kind of adding, counting, rhymes etc.

8 Encourage him/her to participate in school clubs and activities.

9. Help him/her use reference books to answer questions or follow up interests and ideas.

10. Expect a high standard of behaviour, manners and obedience - we do!

11. Show that you care about his/her progress at school and show interest and give praise where it is due.

Can my child bring a mobile phone into school?

We recognise that mobile phones are part of everyday life for many children and that they can play an important role in helping pupils to feel safe and secure. However, we also recognise that they can prove a distraction in school and can provide a means of bullying or intimidating others. Therefore, only Year 5 and 6 children if they are walking to or from school without an adult are permitted to bring their mobile phone into school.

  • All pupil mobile phones in school must have completed the Pupil Mobile Phone Agreement (see school policies and key documents)

  • The phone must be handed in to the class teacher and must be switched off

  • The phone is left at the owner’s own risk and school is not responsible for loss or damage

  • Phones should not be taken on school trips